utah bk guy
What are the benefits to filing bankruptcy
If you’ve ever considered filing bankruptcy, you’ve probably wondered, “What are the benefits to filing bankruptcy?”. This is an important question to ask, and one we are happy to answer. The benefits can be divided up into six different sections.
file bankruptcy
Did A Lot of People File Bankruptcy Last Year?
In the year 2020, 544,463 people filed bankruptcy in the United States. That number may seem enormous,  but in reality, Bankruptcy filings in 2020 were the lowest they have been in thirty-five years. This may seem counterintuitive for the type of year 2020 was, but it makes sense when you think more about the government assistance that a lot of people received last year.
immigration bankruptcy
Will filing bankruptcy affect my immigration status
So good news, filing bankruptcy will not affect immigration status, green card or the ability to apply for US Citizenship. The only way it could possibly affect these processes, is if it is found later that you had lied in your bankruptcy case under oath, or left out information in the bankruptcy petition,
benjamin and bankruptcy
Bankruptcy and Benjamin Franklin
We can learn a lot from Franklin's perspective. Unhealthy spending habits, lack of discipline and debt can be very cancerous to our lives. So what else has he said on this topic? A well-known quote of his is as follows: “For age and want, save while you may. No morning sun lasts the whole day.”
talk about bankruptcy
Money Talks
Relationship money talks about finances should be happening often in serious relationships. They are especially important when you and your significant other are talking about joining your future together in a marriage. When you get married, your spouse’s financial situation can really affect you.
bankruptcy and my husband
Will bankruptcy affect my husband?
Sometimes filing bankruptcy individually isn’t necessarily the best option if you and your spouse share debts, and only one one of you files since debt collectors still have the ability to contact the non-filing spouse regarding debt payments. Filing jointly can be beneficial to your spouse in that situation, because it could protect them from debt collectors.
bankruptcy q & a
Cosigners and Bankruptcy
The idea that Shakespeare is illustrating in Hamlet relates very closely to the modern day concept of being a cosigner to someone else debt. Ever wonder what happens if the guy you cosigned with filed bankruptcy? How does cosigners and bankruptcy work? Let the Utah Bankruptcy Guy explain:
chapter 13 bankruptcy
Will Bankruptcy Save My House
The most common method, used by a mortgage lender to collect on a past due home loan is to foreclose. A foreclosure is the forced sale of someone’s home in order to pay back the debt owed on the mortgage that was used to buy the home. If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments there are ways to keep your home using the bankruptcy process.
bankruptcy with a car loan
5 Questions About Bankruptcy With A Car Loan
Here are 5 common questions about bankruptcy with a car loan you want to talk with your attorney about. Since every situation is different an experience bankruptcy attorney will be able to clarify the options… but you should ask them the questions for piece of mind.
Why Chapter 13
Why file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you’ve ever wondered, “Why file Chapter 13 bankruptcy?” This post might help. Before we can answer that question, however, we will need to learn more about what Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is and what it entails.
utah chapter 7
Why file bankruptcy Chapter 7
The Supreme Court has said that “[t]he principal purpose of the Bankruptcy Code is to grant a fresh start to the honest but unfortunate debtor.” The filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy puts a stop to most attacks on, and efforts to collect from the debtor. It is also the fastest, simplest and most common type of bankruptcy.
no money left
No Money Left
Large corporations understand the benefits of bankruptcy and may utilize it to keep their company afloat. However, the average person doesn’t usually know that when they have no money left, bankruptcy is actually a safety net. The Utah Law Office of Douglas Barrett offers free personal bankruptcy consultations to discuss what strategies are best for you in your financial situation
unmarried head of household
Bankruptcy Unmarried Head of Household
If you are not married but consider yourself the the head of a household how does that work in bankruptcy? As you may know in bankruptcy you must report your household income and household size. It can become complicated. The United States Bankruptcy Trustee typically uses the definition of the IRS to determine household status.
5 bankruptcy terms to know
5 Bankruptcy Terms You Need to Know
Learn these 5 bankruptcy terms you need to know and you be ahead of most non attorney participants in the bankruptcy court system. Using an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you navigate a complex court system will save you time and money in most circumstances.
file bankruptcy fast
Bankruptcy Today
As the saying goes “only a fool represents himself in court” might sound self-serving coming from an attorney but when you get weekly phone calls from people who filed their own bankruptcy but are in over their head and are seeking for help you might understand why we say this.
file utah bankurptcy today
Finding Money for Bankruptcy
You should always continue to pay your living expenses, such as rent and utilities, student loans, and the payment on any property you wish to keep in bankruptcy, such as a house or a car. As for your other bills, it’s wise to keep making your payments until you have consulted with an attorney, learn that you qualify
revoke my bankruptcy
Can my bankruptcy be reversed?
There are also time limits for when someone can file a request to have your discharge reversed. Depending on which chapter of bankruptcy you have filed, the deadline is generally a year after your case was discharged, or a year after the case was closed. If the court revokes your bankruptcy discharge, you’ll remain liable for any previously discharged debts. Also, if you committed fraud or otherwise abused the bankruptcy system, you might have to pay fines, forfeit assets, or face criminal prosecution
bankruptcy or home foreclosure
Is Bankruptcy Better than Foreclosure
When thinking “is bankruptcy better than foreclosure?”, at the end of the day you need to realize that while sometimes foreclosure might not affect your credit score as much, it still goes on your credit report, leaves you without your home and fails to settle all the other debt you might carry. Meanwhile bankruptcy affects all your debt not just the mortgage loan debt. Bankruptcy tends to be more global financial relief.
Bankruptcy fast
Prepare Bankruptcy Papers Fast
In order to prepare Bankruptcy papers fast, getting together information and documents for your attorney can take a lot of time. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
bankruptcy how does it work
Bankruptcy How Does it Work?
Before your consultation take a moment to refresh yourself on your current financial situation. How much debt are you in? How much is credit card debt? Student loans? Medical debt? What are your biggest financial assets? Have a general idea so that you can relay this information with a bankruptcy attorney in your consultation appointment.
set in stone
Should I file bankruptcy
When I talk with a potential client I tell people the facts and point them in the direction that would be best for them financially based on their needs, wants and goals. Just because you talk with me does not mean that you need to file bankruptcy - nothing is written in stone.
2021 bankurpt
Bankruptcy in 2021
Bankruptcy in 2021 still spans the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Last year many of my clients were able to start the bankruptcy process ahead of the curve because they were able to use a portion of their stimulus checks to cover court and attorney fees.
best bankruptcy information
Best Bankruptcy Information
The best bankruptcy information you will get is to actually speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. Most attorneys I know offer free consultations for individuals and charge a nominal fee if you own a business. Information can be power so get the best bankruptcy information from an attorney near you.
file befor marriage
Should I file for Bankruptcy before I get Married?
Here’s the thing, if you’re about to get married you’re smart to take time to strategize financially. Taking a large amount of debt into a marriage can be destructive on many different levels. One of the leading causes of divorce is money problems so it is defiantly wise to consider your options before you tie the knot.
utah bankruptcy
So this is Christmas 2020…
May we wish you moments of peace amid the difficulties, connections with family and friends even if they can’t be in person, the warmth of memories from holidays past, and wonderful glimpses of the joy that still lives under the surface.
reason for bankruptcy
Reasons to File for Bankruptcy in Utah
Believe it or not, when it comes to current primary causes of bankruptcy, the economic impact of Covid-19 is not what leads to most bankruptcy right now. The main reasons to file for bankruptcy in Utah tend to be things such as payday loans, co-signing for other people, trying to aid grown children with too much financial help, medical debt,
giving thanks
Giving thanks
Though most of us would like to forget 2020, here at the Utah Bankruptcy Guy, we have found this past year a new purpose based in our mission to help good folks in bad places.
Bankruptcy help in utah
Bankruptcy help in Utah
Meet Jack and Diane two Utah kids doing the best that they can. Things were going along great for the couple and they soon had two kids, a nice little house, a dog named “Timmy”, and both had good jobs. But then one day Jack got hurt at his job at the Tasty Freeze.
bankruptcy and covid
Bankruptcy Changes Due to Covid-19
Let’s face it the world changed in early 2020 as the Covid-19 virus got loose. The bankruptcy world has had to adapt and change as well in these challenging times. Many of the changes I feel will be here for a long time. The constant that I see is you have not lost the ability to file bankruptcy its now just changed how it is being handled by the courts and law firms. At the Utah Bankruptcy Guy we have adapted to this new environment. Now might be the easiest it has been to file bankruptcy in the past 15 years.
utah bankruptcy cost
How Much Does A Utah Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Cost
Life can bring some unexpected challenges. The stigma around bankruptcy still persists in some circles but the reality is that often circumstances arise that you have no control over. Maybe you were in a bad accident and the impact was twofold now that the medical bills are coming in. Perhaps a relative stole money from you, or you lost your job and are struggling to find another. Regardless of how you got in this situation, bankruptcy may be your best option.
bankruptcy meaning
Bankruptcy meaning
It does not really matter how you came to your current situation of financial hardship; the most important thing is what step you will take next. It’s possible that bankruptcy may be the best choice for you or it might be a bad decision. I suggest you take the next step and contact an experienced bankruptcy attorney to learn your best option.
when can I file again
How often can you file bankruptcy
Receiving a discharge of debts after filing bankruptcy can be a huge relief, but sometimes it might be only a temporary reprieve. As the years pass, the bills might start piling up again, and unexpected events like illness or layoffs can overwhelm your finances all over again. In these circumstances, the question “how often can you file bankruptcy?” is relevant.
debt in bankruptcy
What debt survives bankruptcy?
There are a number of kinds of debt that my not go away in a bankruptcy case. So in your case what debt survives bankruptcy? It’s important to speak with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer before you file bankruptcy so you have a better understanding of the outcome of your bankruptcy.
avoid bankurpcy
When to Move Forward with Bankruptcy
When to move forward with bankruptcy is an individual choice of course but if your financial problems are growing and you are not seeing daylight ahead bankruptcy might be the best options. Working with an experienced attorney can help you get on the right track. We tell many people we talk to after the first consultation that bankruptcy for them is a bad idea. Seek out an honest bankruptcy lawyer and have them walk you through your options you might be surprised how quickly you can turn you finical problems around.
bankruptcy what will i loose
Bankruptcy what will I lose?
If you're caught in a financial tailspin, it can seem like there is no way to improve your situation. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you identify the right steps to take, even if you're facing the prospect of losing your home.
wait to long to file
Most people are waiting too long to file bankruptcy
Bankruptcy should not be the last resort when nothing is left to your name. If you put it off too long you might find yourself in a hole you’re unable to afford to dig yourself out of without time and serious self-discipline. Many of my clients here in Utah are surprised to learn that many of things they lost, just before they choose to file bankruptcy, could actually have been saved if we had talked just a bit sooner. Don’t let this be you.
filing fee increase
2020 Bankruptcy Filing Fee To Increase
These fee increases, outlined in the attached document, will be effective December 1, 2020. Note that the increase to the administrative fee for filing a bankruptcy petition is only one portion of the total filing fee.
little know secrets of bankruptcy
Utah Bankruptcy Secrets
Utah bankruptcy secrets should be known to everyone. We want to help you make smart financial decisions. Here are 5 bankruptcy secrets everyone thinking about filing for bankruptcy in Utah should know.
stop foreclosure
Bankruptcy to Stop Foreclosure
Bankruptcy to stop foreclosure is the legal means to help you preserve your property. Bankruptcy can be a safe and affordable way to rebuild your financial life after a trying period of time. Help is out there so reach out to an attorney that can help you in your time of need
utah debt lawyer
Utah Debt Lawyer
Excessive debt causes problems. Excessive debt causes stress. Excessive debt is one on the main causes of divorce. Excessive debt can be dealt with. A Utah debt lawyer can help you deal with your debts. The Utah Bankruptcy Guy team deals with excessive debt every day using federal laws to help you get your life back. Using bankruptcy the team at the Utah Bankruptcy Guy has helped thousands of Utah families eliminate excessive debt
documents needed for bankruptcy
4 Items You Can Gather Right Now for Your Bankruptcy
We get that you are stressed rignt now. We can help. We are a full service bankruptcy firm we actually like to talk to our clients on the phone or via text. Once you hire us we take the stress out of filing bankruptcy and walk you throught the process. We dont just sign you up and then make you self prepare the paperwork like other places out there. We also dont try and get you into a further financial mess by trying to finance your bankruptcy
bankruptcy in utah
5 Things about Filing Bankruptcy in Utah
Federal bankruptcy law directs most of the bankruptcy process and can be found at 11 U.S.C. sec 101 et seq, but there are some intricacies within each state governed by Utah state law. If you are filing bankruptcy in Utah, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 5 Things about filing bankruptcy in Utah keep in mind
Utah Bankruptcy Zero Down
3 Tips for Finding the Right Utah Bankruptcy Attorney
Often bankruptcy attorneys offer consultations at low or no cost. A consultation gives you the opportunity to ask the lawyer any questions you have about filing bankruptcy. Scheduling a consultation does not mean that you are hiring them to file your case; simply that you are feeling things out, so it’s a great chance to evaluate if you want to continue working with them
Bankruptcy can be denied
Three Ways Your Bankruptcy Can Be DENIED
This list may make the process of filing for bankruptcy sound rather intimidating. You might be asking “well, how will I know if I did one of those things?” The first step is to ensure that you don’t go through this process alone. Hiring an attorney is your best defense to being greeted by unpleasant surprises in court. An experienced attorney will know what questions to ask you in order to ascertain if you might be in one of these categories, and how to help you safely navigate your bankruptcy filing.
divorce or bankruptcy first
Divorce or Bankruptcy First
The different stages of divorce affect some of your options within bankruptcy which you should make your attorney aware of. For example: Are you already divorced? Are you separated? Are you meeting with divorce attorney right now? These and other scenarios ultimately affect filing and whose stuff is affected.