Bankruptcy and Taxes

To better understand bankruptcy and taxes a little background information is needed; it then becomes more clear why bankruptcy and taxes are so enter twined. First you have to understand that bankruptcy is made possible because of federal laws, and the federal government is made possible because of tax dollars. Why would the government try to give you a perk when you really need the help?

Bankruptcy during Covid-19

The different procedures for bankruptcy during Covid-19 seem to vary between law firms and the bankruptcy courts. For example a number of local firms have closed their offices and are not taking clients. We have embraced the new changes and technology that make it so we can still offer high quality, full service bankruptcy to our clients.

Bankruptcy and Stimulus Money

Government Stimulus checks have been sent out in order to counter the significant negative impact on the economy that resulted from COVID-19. It was within the government’s intention to completely and legally protect these checks for those filing bankruptcy but it was forgotten in the rush of passing the Stimulus bill

Bankruptcy after COVID 19 – 5 Things to Know

The people that come out of bankruptcy in the best shape tend to be the ones who got expert advice early. You can get referrals from the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, and the first meeting is typically free. Bankruptcy after COVID 19 does not mean you should rush to file for bankruptcy since your situation could improve, or things could get much worse. You need to understand that a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can only be filed once every eight years so you will want to file when you can erase the maximum amount of debt.

Bankruptcy: Can I bounce back?

Sometimes you need the protection of the legal system in this country to get a do over. I find that most people by following some simple principles will thrive after bankruptcy. That is what we do at the Utah Bankruptcy Guy. Its our belief that tomorrow will be a better day and success is in your post bankruptcy future. We will give you the resources to come out of bankruptcy stronger and focused on a brighter tomorrow. Can I bounce back – of course you can!

Will bankruptcy affect my car insurance?

Will bankruptcy affect my car insurance? If you are lucky, the only factor negatively impacting your insurance rates will be your credit score, but depending on which company you use as an insurance provider, the other factors may also cost you more money each month.

6 Things To Consider Before You File Bankruptcy

Most of the above mistakes can be fixed by simply by timing when you file your case. There are time periods for many types of transfers or actions — which means the bankruptcy court will examine certain types of transactions only within a certain period of time before you file. By delaying the filing of your bankruptcy until these periods have expired, you may be able to avoid problems. An experienced bankruptcy lawyer can walk you through the process and help you succeed in obtaining a fresh financial start before you file bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Petition Preparer: Why you should avoid!

Hiring a bankruptcy petition preparer is a really bad idea. It’s also not a cost-effective. Instead, hire an experienced bankruptcy lawyer to guide you through the process.

Divorce and Bankruptcy

Money problems tend to impact every area of our lives so it is not a surprise that money problems are consistently listed as a major cause of divorce. Sometimes one spouse accumulates a huge amount of debt on a credit card and the parties simply cannot come up with a way to repay it. Other times medical circumstances of one spouse or a child overwhelm a couples finances and there is simply no way to make payment on the family medical debt.