Debts and Military Service: Utah Bankruptcy

Too much debt may affect your eligibility to join the military or obtain a security clearance. The military requires applicants to have a certain level of financial responsibility, and excessive debt may be viewed as a potential liability.

7 Utah Bankruptcy Myths

Learn the facts from the Utah Bankruptcy Guy and avoid the myths out there about bankruptcy.  During the past year, the team here at the office keep t a list of the most common misconceptions floating around Utah about bankruptcy.  In no particular order here we go:

Is Bankruptcy Better than Foreclosure

When thinking “is bankruptcy better than foreclosure?”, at the end of the day you need to realize that while sometimes foreclosure might not affect your credit score as much, it still goes on your credit report, leaves you without your home and fails to settle all the other debt you might carry. Meanwhile bankruptcy affects all your debt not just the mortgage loan debt. Bankruptcy tends to be more global financial relief.

Reasons to File for Bankruptcy in Utah

Believe it or not, when it comes to current primary causes of bankruptcy, the economic impact of Covid-19 is not what leads to most bankruptcy right now. The main reasons to file for bankruptcy in Utah tend to be things such as payday loans, co-signing for other people, trying to aid grown children with too much financial help, medical debt,

How bankruptcy affects your life

This topic is complex and difficult to answer concisely since many different aspects of your life can be impacted by filing for bankruptcy. Here are three ways bankruptcy affects your life. Sometimes people feel guilty or ashamed that they have gone bankrupt, particularly since society has developed a negative stigma around bankruptcy. However, like any… Continue reading How bankruptcy affects your life

What happens on your credit report when you file bankruptcy

One common question I hear is what happens on your credit report when you file bankruptcy ?  The first thing you need to realize is bankruptcy filings are a public record. The fact you filed for bankruptcy can legally be listed on your credit reports. As long as it is listed on your report your… Continue reading What happens on your credit report when you file bankruptcy