Utah Debt Lawyer

Excessive debt causes problems. Excessive debt causes stress. Excessive debt is one on the main causes of divorce. Excessive debt can be dealt with. A Utah debt lawyer can help you deal with your debts. The Utah Bankruptcy Guy team deals with excessive debt every day using federal laws to help you get your life back. Using bankruptcy the team at the Utah Bankruptcy Guy has helped thousands of Utah families eliminate excessive debt

Bankruptcy discharge vs dismissal

  May people confuse the difference between a bankruptcy discharge vs dismissal but they are two very different and distinct outcomes of bankruptcy. A bankruptcy discharge means that the requirements set out by the court have been met by the debtor(s) (the party filing the bankruptcy). In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy a discharge means that… Continue reading Bankruptcy discharge vs dismissal

When bankruptcy is dismissed

There are a number of reasons why a bankruptcy case can be dismissed. Typically, the causes go from intentional misconduct (i.e., fraud and bad acts) to the failure to do something like to file the correct forms with the court or attend a required hearing. Here are some of the most common reasons when bankruptcy… Continue reading When bankruptcy is dismissed