Bankruptcy & Foreclosure: Utah Bankruptcy

If you’re facing a Utah foreclosure and you’re unable to work out a loan modification or other resolution with your lender, a Utah bankruptcy may be an option to consider.

Will Bankruptcy Save My House

The most common method, used by a mortgage lender to collect on a past due home loan is to foreclose. A foreclosure is the forced sale of someone’s home in order to pay back the debt owed on the mortgage that was used to buy the home. If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments there are ways to keep your home using the bankruptcy process.

Bankruptcy what will I lose?

If you’re caught in a financial tailspin, it can seem like there is no way to improve your situation. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you identify the right steps to take, even if you’re facing the prospect of losing your home.

Bankruptcy when you own a house

Many people want to know if they file bankruptcy what will happen to their house.  The treatment of your house in bankruptcy will be different depending  on which type of bankruptcy you end up filing. There are a number of types of bankruptcy.  The type of bankruptcy you file can be tricky decision and any… Continue reading Bankruptcy when you own a house