When I talk with a potential client I tell people the facts and point them in the direction that would be best for them financially based on their needs, wants and goals. Just because you talk with me does not mean that you need to file bankruptcy – nothing is written in stone.
Category: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Best Bankruptcy Information
The best bankruptcy information you will get is to actually speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. Most attorneys I know offer free consultations for individuals and charge a nominal fee if you own a business. Information can be power so get the best bankruptcy information from an attorney near you.
Reasons to File for Bankruptcy in Utah
Believe it or not, when it comes to current primary causes of bankruptcy, the economic impact of Covid-19 is not what leads to most bankruptcy right now. The main reasons to file for bankruptcy in Utah tend to be things such as payday loans, co-signing for other people, trying to aid grown children with too much financial help, medical debt,
How Much Does A Utah Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Cost
Life can bring some unexpected challenges. The stigma around bankruptcy still persists in some circles but the reality is that often circumstances arise that you have no control over. Maybe you were in a bad accident and the impact was twofold now that the medical bills are coming in. Perhaps a relative stole money from you, or you lost your job and are struggling to find another. Regardless of how you got in this situation, bankruptcy may be your best option.
Bankruptcy what will I lose?
If you’re caught in a financial tailspin, it can seem like there is no way to improve your situation. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can help you identify the right steps to take, even if you’re facing the prospect of losing your home.
5 Things about Filing Bankruptcy in Utah
Federal bankruptcy law directs most of the bankruptcy process and can be found at 11 U.S.C. sec 101 et seq, but there are some intricacies within each state governed by Utah state law. If you are filing bankruptcy in Utah, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 5 Things about filing bankruptcy in Utah keep in mind
Phone hearing 341 meeting
Utah phone hearing 341 meeting consist of multiple debtors, attorneys, trustees, and creditors on the same phone call. You attend your phone hearing 341 meeting by calling the number you will be provided by the bankruptcy court.
Bankruptcy and Taxes
To better understand bankruptcy and taxes a little background information is needed; it then becomes more clear why bankruptcy and taxes are so enter twined. First you have to understand that bankruptcy is made possible because of federal laws, and the federal government is made possible because of tax dollars. Why would the government try to give you a perk when you really need the help?
Bankruptcy and Stimulus Money
Government Stimulus checks have been sent out in order to counter the significant negative impact on the economy that resulted from COVID-19. It was within the government’s intention to completely and legally protect these checks for those filing bankruptcy but it was forgotten in the rush of passing the Stimulus bill
Bankruptcy after COVID 19 – 5 Things to Know
The people that come out of bankruptcy in the best shape tend to be the ones who got expert advice early. You can get referrals from the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, and the first meeting is typically free. Bankruptcy after COVID 19 does not mean you should rush to file for bankruptcy since your situation could improve, or things could get much worse. You need to understand that a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can only be filed once every eight years so you will want to file when you can erase the maximum amount of debt.