Best Bankruptcy Information

The best bankruptcy information you will get is to actually speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. Most attorneys I know offer free consultations for individuals and charge a nominal fee if you own a business. Information can be power so get the best bankruptcy information from an attorney near you.

Are bankruptcy filings published in the newspaper

Are bankruptcy filings published in the newspaper? This question relates well to another one of our frequently asked questions: “are bankruptcy cases public record?” If you haven’t read the answer to that question yet, take a second to do so as it might help clear up some of your concerns about word getting around that… Continue reading Are bankruptcy filings published in the newspaper

Bankruptcy can be hard let us make it easy

Recently an attorney friend of mine commented that the sign at the hearing location we were attending had misspelled the word bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can be a hard word to spell.  So I decided to start to keep a list of the many ways that I have seen the word misspelled on forms and emails sent to my office.  Here… Continue reading Bankruptcy can be hard let us make it easy