So bankruptcy who knows? Obviously anyone you owe money to at the time you file will need to be notified. Creditors are notified since payments to them will likely be affected by the bankruptcy proceedings. However other than creditors and your attorney very few other will be notified of you case filing. Even though bankruptcy filings are a matter of public record, they are usually not publicized unless the individual filing is a public figure.
Tag: utah bankruptcy lawyer
Which bankruptcy to file
File Bankruptcy But Which One? Many people ask me which bankruptcy to file. As with many things in life, the answer really depends on your particular circumstances. Since there are actually several different kinds of bankruptcy it may be easy to eliminate a few of them since some are applicable to very specific parties, such… Continue reading Which bankruptcy to file
Bankruptcy versus short sale
First thing to understand, a short sale is when a homeowner, through the approval of their bank or mortgage lender, sells their home for less than what they owe on the mortgage. Potential home buyers must make a short sale offer, and homeowners then communicate this offer to the bank by applying for short sale… Continue reading Bankruptcy versus short sale
Bankruptcy to clear all debt
Had someone send me a question about a bankruptcy to clear all debt. What they were talking about was filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is designed to wipe out most if not all of your unsecured debts (debts that are not somehow tied to property). Where a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can… Continue reading Bankruptcy to clear all debt
Bankruptcy when unemployed
For some reason that I have not been able to determine there is a rumor floating around that you need to employed to file for bankruptcy protection. There is no requirement under the Bankruptcy Code to be employed to get protection of the bankruptcy court. So rest assured that you can still file for bankruptcy… Continue reading Bankruptcy when unemployed