Danger: Don’t Rely on Free Online Bankruptcy Advice

Information is good but remember you need to rely on a local experienced bankruptcy lawyer so you get the best legal outcome possible. 

How do you get a bankruptcy discharge?

Unless there is litigation involving objections to the bankruptcy discharge, the debtor will usually automatically receive a discharge. The Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure provide for the clerk of the bankruptcy court to send via US mail a copy of the order of discharge to all creditors, the U.S. trustee, the trustee in the case,… Continue reading How do you get a bankruptcy discharge?

Three Important Things Bankruptcy Can Do

As you start to think about bankruptcy, you should understand there are actually five types. For most people a couple of them will be your best option.  The first one and most common is Chapter 7

5 Ways Your Bankruptcy Could Be Denied

We always say it better to give too much information that too little.  You are seeking forgiveness of your debts and need to approach the process with clean hands.  Rest assured however that if you honestly disclose your required information you should have no problems with the bankruptcy court.

Ways To Stop Foreclosure In Utah

Do you see a foreclosure on the horizon?   Here are 5 ways to stop foreclosure before it starts. Foreclosure is a major crisis for most families in Utah.   We can help.  You have options to help keep you and your family from losing your home.   You can get out of debt without losing everything!

Loan After Your Bankruptcy

The waiting period on getting a loan after your bankruptcy can vary depending on a host of factors, but a big one is the type of bankruptcy you experienced. With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, lenders typically wait two years after the date of discharge. As for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be eligible for a VA loan just 12 months removed from the filing date.

Top 10 Questions you may be asked at your 341 Meeting

Top 10 Questions you may be asked at your 341 Meeting of creditors in Utah.  Working with an experienced Utah attorney will help you understand and know how to response to these inquiries. 

Bankruptcy dollar adjustments

The bankruptcy dollar adjustments are required to take place every three years pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §104. The new dollar amounts reflect an approximate, average 11% increase.

What happens to my crypto in bankruptcy?

Even though crypto isn’t directly mentioned in the current bankruptcy laws, bankruptcy laws still apply to crypto. Transferring any asset to hide it from creditors is still a fraudulent transfer. Liquidating crypto to pay one creditor to the detriment of the other creditors may still be a preference.

Can I Stop a Garnishment Once it Starts?

The quickest way to stop a garnishment is to just pay off the debt. However, most people cannot afford to do that, or they would have already done it before the garnishment happened.  For most people the most effective way to stop the garnishment is to file bankruptcy