Top 10 Questions you may be asked at your 341 Meeting

Top 10 Questions you may be asked at your 341 Meeting of creditors in Utah.  Working with an experienced Utah attorney will help you understand and know how to response to these inquiries. 

Bankruptcy Today

As the saying goes “only a fool represents himself in court” might sound self-serving coming from an attorney but when you get weekly phone calls from people who filed their own bankruptcy but are in over their head and are seeking for help you might understand why we say this.

Phone hearing 341 meeting

Utah phone hearing 341 meeting consist of multiple debtors, attorneys, trustees, and creditors on the same phone call. You attend your phone hearing 341 meeting by calling the number you will be provided by the bankruptcy court.

Bankruptcy without going to court

I get asked all the time by potential clients if they can file bankruptcy without going to court. The majority for my clients never see the inside of a bankruptcy courtroom. So if this is a major concern of yours rest assured that the odds are in your favor that you will not need to go into a bankruptcy courtroom