Life after Bankruptcy: How to Create a Budget

Obtaining credit after bankruptcy is the key to having a credit life – after bankruptcy. Using credit wisely can help you get back on your feet quickly after bankruptcy. So even though you might qualify for a credit card you still need to use the credit you have wisely to create a budget. Make small charges on credit cards and pay the debt off each month. Don’t try and carry a balance from month to month since that may have been what got you into financial trouble before your bankruptcy.

Divorce and Bankruptcy

Money problems tend to impact every area of our lives so it is not a surprise that money problems are consistently listed as a major cause of divorce. Sometimes one spouse accumulates a huge amount of debt on a credit card and the parties simply cannot come up with a way to repay it. Other times medical circumstances of one spouse or a child overwhelm a couples finances and there is simply no way to make payment on the family medical debt.

What Will Happen After You File for Bankruptcy?

So the natural question you will ask yourself after you file for bankruptcy is now what? This post is to assure you that asking what will happen after you file for bankruptcy is a common and necessary question

Bankruptcy without going to court

I get asked all the time by potential clients if they can file bankruptcy without going to court. The majority for my clients never see the inside of a bankruptcy courtroom. So if this is a major concern of yours rest assured that the odds are in your favor that you will not need to go into a bankruptcy courtroom

Bankruptcy where you pay back

Chapter 13 bankruptcy where you pay back your debts has a number of benefits including: a lower level of risk to the debtor loosing assets (i.e. home, cars, etc.), ability to catch up missed mortgage and car payments, lower risk level of litigation from creditors, as well as means to pay back creditors in a fair and equitable manner.

Bankruptcy who knows

So bankruptcy who knows? Obviously anyone you owe money to at the time you file will need to be notified. Creditors are notified since payments to them will likely be affected by the bankruptcy proceedings. However other than creditors and your attorney very few other will be notified of you case filing. Even though bankruptcy filings are a matter of public record, they are usually not publicized unless the individual filing is a public figure.

How will bankruptcy affect my mortgage?

A Utah bankruptcy might actually help you to keep your home. Chapter 13 and to some extent Chapter 7 provide ways for you keep your home. Although, you cannot just file for bankruptcy protection and not inform your mortgage lender, you can treat how the loan is treated during a bankruptcy case and there are ways to assure the lender that you will be keeping the home and making the mortgage payment.