Can a Bankruptcy Affect my Divorce?

Filing for bankruptcy during a divorce can have both positive and negative effects on your divorce case

10 things everyone looking into bankruptcy should know!

While bankruptcy can be a challenging process, it can also offer a fresh start for individuals or businesses struggling with debt.

$0 Down Bankruptcy – Think Twice Utah.

While the idea of a “$0 down” bankruptcy may seem appealing, there are several potential drawbacks to be aware of.

3 Ways to Fight a Garnishment: Utah Bankruptcy

It is important to take action as soon as possible if you are facing a wage garnishment. Ignoring the issue will only make it worse, and you may end up losing more of your wages over time.

15 Ways to Bounce Back After Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a difficult and stressful situation to go through, but there are steps you can take to come out of it for the better. The team at the Utah Bankruptcy Guy works with people just like you everyday. Over the years we have come up with the common things people do to make life after bankruptcy easier. Here are 15 ways to help you get back on your feet after bankruptcy.

Five ways to get a home after a Utah bankruptcy.

Filing bankruptcy is a big decision. What you do after you file bankruptcy is very important. Getting into a home is a life long goal for many people. You sometimes need a little bit of help to know whot to do after a bankruptcy to achive your finacial goals. Thats what we try and help clients achieve. Thats why I wrote the book LIFE AFTER BANKRUPTCY: The Game Plan to Rebuild, Restore and Renew Your Credit After Bankruptcy!

Expunge a Utah Bankruptcy?

Expunging a Utah bankruptcy, or completely removing it from your credit record, is generally not possible. Bankruptcy is a legal process that is a matter of public record, and credit reporting agencies are legally required to report it on your credit report for a certain period of tim

Is Utah bankruptcy honest?

The Utah bankruptcy process is considered honest because it allows debtors to face their financial problems head-on, while also providing a way for creditors to be repaid to the extent possible.

Reverse Mortgage: Utah Bankruptcy

If a homeowner with a reverse mortgage is facing financial difficulties and is considering bankruptcy, there are several factors to consider.

Discharge: Utah Bankruptcy

It’s important to note that the Utah bankruptcy discharge is not automatic and there are specific requirements that must be met in order to obtain it.