Bankruptcy and my divorce is something that should be timed and planned if at all possible. First you have to understand that these two distinct legal actions (bankruptcy and divorce) will not take place simultaneously in the same court. Bankruptcy is part of the Federal Court System and divorce is part of a State Court System. You need to understand and your marriage status (including expenses and income) can greatly impact the type and outcome of filing for bankruptcy.
Tag: Utah bankruptcy
Does bankruptcy show on credit report?
Does bankruptcy show on credit report? The bankruptcy public record will remain in your credit report for up to 10 years from the filing date. Chapter 13 bankruptcy remains for seven years and Chapter 7 remains 10 years. Accounts included in the bankruptcy will have their status updated to show that they are included in the bankruptcy. They will be deleted seven years from the original delinquency date of the account. The accounts usually are deleted before the bankruptcy public record because in most cases they are delinquent prior to bankruptcy being filed.
Consequences of Bankruptcy
Consequences of Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy information on your credit report may make it very difficult to get additional credit shortly after the bankruptcy is discharged — at least until the information cycles off your credit report. It will be important to begin rebuilding your credit right away, making sure you pay all your bills on time. You’ll also want to be careful not to fall back into any negative habits that contributed to your debt problems in the first place.
What are the Advantages of Filing Bankruptcy?
Some of these rumors have basis in fact others are overly exaggerated. Yes it is true that declaring bankruptcy can hurt your credit score for a period of time. It’s also true that a bankruptcy declaration is a matter of public record. However, critics of the bankruptcy process tend to overemphasize these negative points. If you’re struggling to repay your bills, none of your debt-fighting options are going to be easy or free from stress. It is true that there are a number of methods of debt relief that might help improve your financial situation over time, it important to always remember there’s no magic switch that you can flip to rebuild your credit.
When declaring bankruptcy is a bad idea
There are times when the negatives simply outweigh the positives of filing for bankruptcy, and no matter how dire your debt may appear, bankruptcy will only exacerbate the problem and then bankruptcy is a bad idea.
Which bankruptcy to file
File Bankruptcy But Which One? Many people ask me which bankruptcy to file. As with many things in life, the answer really depends on your particular circumstances. Since there are actually several different kinds of bankruptcy it may be easy to eliminate a few of them since some are applicable to very specific parties, such… Continue reading Which bankruptcy to file
The Bankruptcy Lab
Lets face it the task of gathering up your entire financial history and organizing it for a bankruptcy attorney sounds like as much fun as going to the dentist – not the good dentist – but the one that never gives enough mouth numbing stuff before they start to drill…we have been there and we… Continue reading The Bankruptcy Lab
Merry Christmas
Wishing all our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! All the best! #utahbkguy
Bankruptcy versus short sale
First thing to understand, a short sale is when a homeowner, through the approval of their bank or mortgage lender, sells their home for less than what they owe on the mortgage. Potential home buyers must make a short sale offer, and homeowners then communicate this offer to the bank by applying for short sale… Continue reading Bankruptcy versus short sale
Is there hope after bankruptcy
Recently I had an email from one of the first clients that bought my bankruptcy book: Life after bankruptcy: The Game Plan to Rebuild, Restore, and Renew Your Credit After Bankruptcy. I share just a part of his note: “Thank you. We appreciate your thoroughness in preparing us for the [bankruptcy] process and post process.… Continue reading Is there hope after bankruptcy