Are bankruptcy cases public record

When you file for bankruptcy, your bankruptcy case does become a public record.  No matter the type of case Chapter 7 or Chapter 13  it can be part of a public record.  However that doesn’t mean that it’s simple, free and easy to get the information for your family and friends to look at whenever… Continue reading Are bankruptcy cases public record

Can I file bankruptcy without my spouse?

If one spouse files bankruptcy without the other spouse only the filing spouses debts are discharged. If the debts are held jointly, the non-filing spouse will still owe on the debt even after one spouse has filed bankruptcy. The bankruptcy filing will appear on the filing spouses credit report, but should not appear on the… Continue reading Can I file bankruptcy without my spouse?

What bankruptcy do I qualify for

What bankruptcy do I qualify for was the question I was asked this morning as I entered an elevator this morning.  It seems like a simple enough question that any attorney could easily answer in a moment or two.  The problem is that determining who can file for bankruptcy is one of the more complicated… Continue reading What bankruptcy do I qualify for

Bankruptcy vs debt settlement

Here are a few things that may help you decide if you should choose bankruptcy vs debt settlement. First, you will want to look at all of your debt, not merely credit card debt.  If your debt is mostly unsecured debt then you will need to determine the amount of that kind of debt. If… Continue reading Bankruptcy vs debt settlement

What Bankruptcy Can Do

Q. What bankruptcy can do for me? In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will cover debts like medical bills, credit card charges, personal loans, (in very rare circumstances) student loans, business debts, auto accident claims, attorney fees, money owed over lease agreements, utility bills.  In a Chapter 13 case the most common types of debts that… Continue reading What Bankruptcy Can Do

Do I need credit after bankruptcy

Many times I am asked do I need credit after bankruptcy?  If you have just filed a Chapter 7  or Chapter 13 bankruptcy due to financial problems with credit, creditors and/or credit cards or overwhelming medical debt you may have said to yourself that you will never no way no how use credit again. Most… Continue reading Do I need credit after bankruptcy

What happens on your credit report when you file bankruptcy

One common question I hear is what happens on your credit report when you file bankruptcy ?  The first thing you need to realize is bankruptcy filings are a public record. The fact you filed for bankruptcy can legally be listed on your credit reports. As long as it is listed on your report your… Continue reading What happens on your credit report when you file bankruptcy

2018 AVVO Award

  PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Orem, UT – Attorney Douglas L. Barrett of Orem has been named once again a Top Rated Lawyer by the website AVVO. AVVO is he premier online legal marketplace that connects consumers and lawyers. Douglas “The Bankruptcy Guy” Barrett has been practicing bankruptcy law since 2000. Barrett received his… Continue reading 2018 AVVO Award

Bankruptcy when to file

One of the most common search terms in the bankruptcy world is: bankruptcy when to file.  There are some many variables in that question that book could be written on the subject.  In some situations sometimes there is the right moment to file for bankruptcy. It could make sense to hold off filing to be able… Continue reading Bankruptcy when to file

The Bankruptcy Guy

In today’s mail came the official Trademark for “The Bankruptcy Guy“.  For years my friends have called me “the bankruptcy guy” and last year I started looking into the process of obtaining the official trademark to the name.  In the end it took nearly a year and hours of legal work to obtain the mark. … Continue reading The Bankruptcy Guy