The Bankruptcy Guy

In today’s mail came the official Trademark for “The Bankruptcy Guy“.  For years my friends have called me “the bankruptcy guy” and last year I started looking into the process of obtaining the official trademark to the name.  In the end it took nearly a year and hours of legal work to obtain the mark. … Continue reading The Bankruptcy Guy

How bankruptcy works

The idea of bankruptcy has been around for a very long time. The basic idea of how bankruptcy works has been around as long as history itself you can even read about the concept of bankruptcy in the Bible.  So its not surprising that millions of Americans file for bankruptcy protection every year.  This idea… Continue reading How bankruptcy works

Bankruptcy to remove student loans

It is commonly said that student loans are impossible to remove through filing for bankruptcy. However, that is not always true. It is a common misconception about bankruptcy. To remove student loans through a bankruptcy, it is not an easy process but it is possible. There are a few criteria that you have to meet… Continue reading Bankruptcy to remove student loans

Why bankruptcy is bad

Filing for bankruptcy may have a bad reputation for several reasons.  Years ago I had an old friend stop by my law office and tell me all the reasons why he thought that bankruptcy was wrong.  He pontificated that it was merely a way to cheat creditors out of money and he knew of so-and-so… Continue reading Why bankruptcy is bad

Are bankruptcy records public

Yes bankruptcy records are available to the public. There is website where bankruptcy records are posted as they occur called Public Access to Court Records or PACER.  They will most likely just be looked up by attorney’s however, because on the PACER website it costs money to review each page and to open an account… Continue reading Are bankruptcy records public

Bankruptcy to keep house

Keeping assets during a bankruptcy is dependent on how much you owe for them, how much they are worth, and also the type of bankruptcy you are planning to file for bankruptcy to keep house. The most common bankruptcy is a Chapter 7, and generally people file for this kind of bankruptcy because they do… Continue reading Bankruptcy to keep house

Bankruptcy filings spike in Utah

Bankruptcy filings increased in October after declines in September, with Utah having one of the highest per capita filing rates last month. According to an article by ACI International: “Total U.S. bankruptcy filings increased 2 percent to 64,579 in October 2017 compared to 63,802 in October 2016, according to a news release from the ABI… Continue reading Bankruptcy filings spike in Utah

What bankruptcy wont cover

If you are considering bankruptcy you are most likely look at all your options – that’s smart.  It seems to easy to find out the pros of bankruptcy like what a bankruptcy will cover but what won’t cover is the next logical question.  What bankruptcy wont cover are nondischargeable debts.  In the world of bankruptcy… Continue reading What bankruptcy wont cover

Who do bankruptcy laws protect

In my law practice I have represented debtors and creditors and for a time even worked for the bankruptcy courts.  I think I have a good idea of all the different parties in the process and where they are coming from generally.  In bankruptcy it is my observation that each side thinks the laws are… Continue reading Who do bankruptcy laws protect

Bankruptcy for corporations

When filing for bankruptcy for a corporation there are a few options of the proper kinds of bankruptcy.  The following is merely an quick overview and we suggest you seek out an experienced bankruptcy lawyer.  In Utah that would be us! A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will be able to provide an orderly liquidation of the… Continue reading Bankruptcy for corporations