You should always continue to pay your living expenses, such as rent and utilities, student loans, and the payment on any property you wish to keep in bankruptcy, such as a house or a car. As for your other bills, it’s wise to keep making your payments until you have consulted with an attorney, learn that you qualify
Category: Utah Bankruptcy
Can my bankruptcy be reversed?
There are also time limits for when someone can file a request to have your discharge reversed. Depending on which chapter of bankruptcy you have filed, the deadline is generally a year after your case was discharged, or a year after the case was closed. If the court revokes your bankruptcy discharge, you’ll remain liable for any previously discharged debts. Also, if you committed fraud or otherwise abused the bankruptcy system, you might have to pay fines, forfeit assets, or face criminal prosecution
Is Bankruptcy Better than Foreclosure
When thinking “is bankruptcy better than foreclosure?”, at the end of the day you need to realize that while sometimes foreclosure might not affect your credit score as much, it still goes on your credit report, leaves you without your home and fails to settle all the other debt you might carry. Meanwhile bankruptcy affects all your debt not just the mortgage loan debt. Bankruptcy tends to be more global financial relief.
Prepare Bankruptcy Papers Fast
In order to prepare Bankruptcy papers fast, getting together information and documents for your attorney can take a lot of time. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Bankruptcy How Does it Work?
Before your consultation take a moment to refresh yourself on your current financial situation. How much debt are you in? How much is credit card debt? Student loans? Medical debt? What are your biggest financial assets? Have a general idea so that you can relay this information with a bankruptcy attorney in your consultation appointment.
Should I file bankruptcy
When I talk with a potential client I tell people the facts and point them in the direction that would be best for them financially based on their needs, wants and goals. Just because you talk with me does not mean that you need to file bankruptcy – nothing is written in stone.
Bankruptcy in 2021
Bankruptcy in 2021 still spans the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Last year many of my clients were able to start the bankruptcy process ahead of the curve because they were able to use a portion of their stimulus checks to cover court and attorney fees.
Best Bankruptcy Information
The best bankruptcy information you will get is to actually speak with a bankruptcy lawyer. Most attorneys I know offer free consultations for individuals and charge a nominal fee if you own a business. Information can be power so get the best bankruptcy information from an attorney near you.
Should I file for Bankruptcy before I get Married?
Here’s the thing, if you’re about to get married you’re smart to take time to strategize financially. Taking a large amount of debt into a marriage can be destructive on many different levels. One of the leading causes of divorce is money problems so it is defiantly wise to consider your options before you tie the knot.
So this is Christmas 2020…
May we wish you moments of peace amid the difficulties, connections with family and friends even if they can’t be in person, the warmth of memories from holidays past, and wonderful glimpses of the joy that still lives under the surface.