The waiting period on getting a loan after your bankruptcy can vary depending on a host of factors, but a big one is the type of bankruptcy you experienced. With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, lenders typically wait two years after the date of discharge. As for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be eligible for a VA loan just 12 months removed from the filing date.
Category: utah valley bankruptcy
Can I Stop a Garnishment Once it Starts?
The quickest way to stop a garnishment is to just pay off the debt. However, most people cannot afford to do that, or they would have already done it before the garnishment happened. For most people the most effective way to stop the garnishment is to file bankruptcy
If You Ain’t Broke We Can’t Fix It!
Filing for bankruptcy isn’t the right decision for everyone. But for individuals who are worried about debt, who want to protect specific property, or who see no other way forward, it can be the best option to bring relief.
Tis the season…
All of the team at the Utah Bankruptcy Guy join together and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Be Thankful Poet Unknown Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow. Be thankful for your… Continue reading Thankful
Which Bankruptcy is Reorganization
One of the great benefits of this kind of bankruptcy is reorganization which can help you avoid losing your home to a foreclosure especially if you are behind on your mortgage payments. You can come up with an affordable repayment plan to keep your home even if your lender is unwilling to work with you.
Did A Lot of People File Bankruptcy Last Year?
In the year 2020, 544,463 people filed bankruptcy in the United States. That number may seem enormous, but in reality, Bankruptcy filings in 2020 were the lowest they have been in thirty-five years. This may seem counterintuitive for the type of year 2020 was, but it makes sense when you think more about the government assistance that a lot of people received last year.
5 Questions About Bankruptcy With A Car Loan
Here are 5 common questions about bankruptcy with a car loan you want to talk with your attorney about. Since every situation is different an experience bankruptcy attorney will be able to clarify the options… but you should ask them the questions for piece of mind.
Why file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If you’ve ever wondered, “Why file Chapter 13 bankruptcy?” This post might help. Before we can answer that question, however, we will need to learn more about what Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is and what it entails.
Why file bankruptcy Chapter 7
The Supreme Court has said that “[t]he principal purpose of the Bankruptcy Code is to grant a fresh start to the honest but unfortunate debtor.” The filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy puts a stop to most attacks on, and efforts to collect from the debtor. It is also the fastest, simplest and most common type of bankruptcy.