Bankruptcy to stop garnishment

Sometimes a creditor obtains a judgment against a debtor and the seeks ways to collect on that judgment.  Usually the first place they look to collect on their judgment is the debtors wages.  If a debtor is employed it can be easy for the creditor to look at garnishing wages.  Wage garnishments are when the… Continue reading Bankruptcy to stop garnishment

What bankruptcy district am I in

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court is part of the United States Federal Court System.  As of the writing of this blog there are 94 Bankruptcy Districts in the United States.  In all districts there is at least one siting bankruptcy court judge and a clerk of court.  Almost all federal bankruptcy districts have more than on… Continue reading What bankruptcy district am I in

Bankruptcy dismissal vs discharge

There appears to be a lot of confusion out there about what is actually a bankruptcy dismissal vs discharge.  These are two very different things and you should understand both of them. When you are a debtor you do not want a dismissal of your case.  A bankruptcy dismissal will closed your case in fact… Continue reading Bankruptcy dismissal vs discharge

Which bankruptcy is the worst

This is an interesting question.  Worst in what way? This is my first come back to such a question since if your are a creditor you probably think all bankruptcy is bad (if you are a creditor read about Chapter 13 – it is actually good for creditors).  If you are a debtor, I take… Continue reading Which bankruptcy is the worst

Bankruptcy when you own a house

Many people want to know if they file bankruptcy what will happen to their house.  The treatment of your house in bankruptcy will be different depending  on which type of bankruptcy you end up filing. There are a number of types of bankruptcy.  The type of bankruptcy you file can be tricky decision and any… Continue reading Bankruptcy when you own a house

Bankruptcy versus credit consolidation

Credit consolidation can be one way to work out your existing debts and possible save you some money on the repayments of those debts. Consolidating debts mean you take multiple payments that are due and combine them into one monthly or weekly payment. There are different pros and cons to credit consolidation. You may be… Continue reading Bankruptcy versus credit consolidation

Bankruptcy when unemployed

For some reason that I have not been able to determine there is a rumor floating around that you need to employed to file for bankruptcy protection.  There is no requirement under the Bankruptcy Code to be employed to get protection of the bankruptcy court.  So rest assured that you can still file for bankruptcy… Continue reading Bankruptcy when unemployed

How bankruptcy affects a cosigner

Ever wondered how you filing for bankruptcy might affect someone who has cosigned a debt with you?  Many people use a co-signer to purchase all types of things.  for the most part this is done because they have little or nor credit history or the credit history that they have is in very bad shape. … Continue reading How bankruptcy affects a cosigner

Which bankruptcy is better to file?

A common question that I am asked is which bankruptcy is better to file?  As I am sure you understand this is loaded question.  Each type of bankruptcy addresses a different type of financial need. The first step in filing bankruptcy with our office is a consultation with the attorney. During this consultation the attorney… Continue reading Which bankruptcy is better to file?

Bankruptcy when can I buy a house

Bankrupt so when can I buy a house?     So you want your dream home – but you just filed for bankruptcy – what can you do?  Typically it takes about two years after a bankruptcy discharge to be able to get a low interest mortgage.  In most cases government back lenders through FANNIEMAE… Continue reading Bankruptcy when can I buy a house