You know when bankruptcy makes sense to you when you won’t be able to be able to pay back your debt within 3-5 years. At this point it can be a good time to consider bankruptcy. This could happen because of a financial catastrophe. It might be due to medical issues or losing your… Continue reading When bankruptcy makes sense
Tag: Utah bankruptcy
Where to find bankruptcy filings online
In my recent blog post entitled “Are bankruptcy cases public record?”, I talk about the online database called PACER where all bankruptcy records are stored including those bankruptcy cases filed in Utah. However, in that blog post we also discuss the process required by PACER for someone to obtain those records: essentially you must… Continue reading Where to find bankruptcy filings online
Can I file bankruptcy without a lawyer?
So I have touched on this topic in prior posts but I get asked this question from time to time: Can I file bankruptcy without a lawyer? My reply is usually you can but why would you want too? You need to know that filing personal bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 takes careful… Continue reading Can I file bankruptcy without a lawyer?
Can I file bankruptcy without my spouse?
If one spouse files bankruptcy without the other spouse only the filing spouses debts are discharged. If the debts are held jointly, the non-filing spouse will still owe on the debt even after one spouse has filed bankruptcy. The bankruptcy filing will appear on the filing spouses credit report, but should not appear on the… Continue reading Can I file bankruptcy without my spouse?
What bankruptcy do I qualify for
What bankruptcy do I qualify for was the question I was asked this morning as I entered an elevator this morning. It seems like a simple enough question that any attorney could easily answer in a moment or two. The problem is that determining who can file for bankruptcy is one of the more complicated… Continue reading What bankruptcy do I qualify for
Bankruptcy when broke
Declare Bankruptcy When Broke Or While You Still Have Cash? Many people think that they should declare bankruptcy when they’re totally broke. Being penniless will actually make the process much, much, harder. While you can certainly declare bankruptcy on your own, many people choose to hire a bankruptcy attorney, which can cost between $1,000 and… Continue reading Bankruptcy when broke
Bankruptcy vs debt settlement
Here are a few things that may help you decide if you should choose bankruptcy vs debt settlement. First, you will want to look at all of your debt, not merely credit card debt. If your debt is mostly unsecured debt then you will need to determine the amount of that kind of debt. If… Continue reading Bankruptcy vs debt settlement
When bankruptcy is removed from credit report
When bankruptcy is removed from credit report? Bankruptcies typically stay on your credit report for around 10 years. It will be removed automatically at the end of that period. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy usually stays for 10 years and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy stays for around 7. Bankruptcy is removed from credit report automatically. According… Continue reading When bankruptcy is removed from credit report
What Bankruptcy Can Do
Q. What bankruptcy can do for me? In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will cover debts like medical bills, credit card charges, personal loans, (in very rare circumstances) student loans, business debts, auto accident claims, attorney fees, money owed over lease agreements, utility bills. In a Chapter 13 case the most common types of debts that… Continue reading What Bankruptcy Can Do
What are bankruptcy judges
What are bankruptcy judges. In the United States bankruptcy judges are appointed by the majority of judges in the U.S Court of Appeals for that U.S district court. What are bankruptcy judges are judicial officers. They are appointed for a period of 14 years and every 14 years need to submit recommendations about the number… Continue reading What are bankruptcy judges