Origin of Bankruptcy: Utah Bankruptcy

The concept of bankruptcy law is one that dates back thousands of years, with roots in ancient civilizations and religious texts. The biblical origin of bankruptcy law can be traced to the Old Testament, specifically to the laws and practices of ancient Israel.

Debt That Can’t Be Forgiven

Obviously getting rid of debt is the reason you are considering bankruptcy. So while a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can eliminate a lot of debt, it can’t wipe out every kind of debt mainly if you have certain types of unforgivable debt. The types of debt that bankruptcy will not eliminate include:

8 Interesting Things to Know About Filing Bankruptcy

Eight Interesting Things to Know About Filing Bankruptcy.  The following are interesting things to know about filing bankruptcy.  The decision to file bankruptcy can be tough so here are eight things you need to consider or know about before you make that decision: 1. Deadlines. Deadlines are critical in bankruptcy court. The rules in bankruptcy… Continue reading 8 Interesting Things to Know About Filing Bankruptcy