After filing for bankruptcy do I need to keep paying my house and car payment?

If you want to keep your house or car after filing for bankruptcy then you need to continue to make monthly payments. The way you make the payment may very depending on the type of bankruptcy you file.  You should make sure your Utah bankruptcy lawyer lets you know how you should be making your payments after your case… Continue reading After filing for bankruptcy do I need to keep paying my house and car payment?

Three Common Utah Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Mistakes

These are three of the most common mistakes I see right before someone goes in bankruptcy court: 1. Making A Preference Payment If you owe on credit cards or medical debt and instead of paying that debt you pay on a past-due debt to family within 1 year of filing bankruptcy, that is a preference payment. The… Continue reading Three Common Utah Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Mistakes

When will my bankruptcy case be over?

  A call came into the office today asking this question. So when does a bankruptcy case get finished? Unfortunately, a discharge of debt does not close a bankruptcy case. Before your case is closed, a Trustee must liquidate non-exempt assets to pay your creditors and see all other legal matters resolved. This process can… Continue reading When will my bankruptcy case be over?

When do you know it’s time to file bankruptcy?

All of us have our own threshold of tolerance of anything. That includes debt.  So how much debt is enough and when it will be time to do something about it. Might I suggest that when you have a problem that is likely to get out of hand you should deal with it as soon as possible.  At least… Continue reading When do you know it’s time to file bankruptcy?

How much debt do I have to have to file for bankruptcy?

We often get the question here at the firm of whether or not there is a certain amount of debt that somebody needs to have before they can file a Utah bankruptcy. The answer is that there is no minimum amount of debt that is required to file a bankruptcy.  As with most simple answers… Continue reading How much debt do I have to have to file for bankruptcy?

How long does a chapter 7 bankruptcy last?

If you are feeling trapped by debt and your income is below the median average for Utah, you may be able to file for a Utah Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This legal process will allow you to eliminate certain types of debt and get on with your life without the stress caused by years of accumulated debt. Should filing for… Continue reading How long does a chapter 7 bankruptcy last?

Bankruptcy Lawyers Near Me

Have you ever had the question, “I wonder where the best bankruptcy lawyers are near me?” We hear that from a lot from folks in financial crisis searching for help. Having a huge amount of debt can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. If you lack sufficient income to pay your obligations you could very… Continue reading Bankruptcy Lawyers Near Me

Bankruptcy can be hard let us make it easy

Recently an attorney friend of mine commented that the sign at the hearing location we were attending had misspelled the word bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can be a hard word to spell.  So I decided to start to keep a list of the many ways that I have seen the word misspelled on forms and emails sent to my office.  Here… Continue reading Bankruptcy can be hard let us make it easy

How to get a Free credit report

I have a lot of Utah clients ask me how they can get a copy of their credit report as they prepare to file bankruptcy.  Federal law requires each of the three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion – to give you a free credit report every 12 months if you ask for… Continue reading How to get a Free credit report