Obtaining credit after bankruptcy is the key to having a credit life – after bankruptcy. Using credit wisely can help you get back on your feet quickly after bankruptcy. So even though you might qualify for a credit card you still need to use the credit you have wisely to create a budget. Make small charges on credit cards and pay the debt off each month. Don’t try and carry a balance from month to month since that may have been what got you into financial trouble before your bankruptcy.
Tag: bankruptcy filing
Can I file bankruptcy without my spouse?
If one spouse files bankruptcy without the other spouse only the filing spouses debts are discharged. If the debts are held jointly, the non-filing spouse will still owe on the debt even after one spouse has filed bankruptcy. The bankruptcy filing will appear on the filing spouses credit report, but should not appear on the… Continue reading Can I file bankruptcy without my spouse?
Can I file bankruptcy without going to court?
Can a person file bankruptcy without ever going to court? If you file bankruptcy you are required to attend something called the meeting of creditors or Section 341 meeting. This is a proceeding at which the debtor testifies under oath that the information contained in their bankruptcy filing is accurate. In most jurisdictions the 341… Continue reading Can I file bankruptcy without going to court?
How bankruptcy affects job search
A common reason for filing bankruptcy is due to a job loss. So how bankruptcy affects job search is a common concern of people looking into bankruptcy. Fist you need to understand that the bankruptcy laws protect you from being fired due to a bankruptcy filing. How bankruptcy affects job search an employer cannot legally… Continue reading How bankruptcy affects job search