Bankruptcy with medical bills

Medical debt is on of the most common reason that people file for bankruptcy. It even surpasses mortgage debt and credit card debt. Bankruptcy with medical bills occurs when the price of treating a disease, injury or sickness becomes greater than what the patient is able to pay. Even some individuals with medical insurance have… Continue reading Bankruptcy with medical bills

Bankruptcy for medical debt

Medical debts are one of the most common reasons that people need to seek bankruptcy relief.  With out of control medical costs and increased insurance premiums more and more people are forced into financial ruin with just a day or two stay in hospital.  With passage of the Affordable Heath Care Act it was assumed… Continue reading Bankruptcy for medical debt

Can I File Bankruptcy For My Medical Bills?

Having overwhelming medical debt is a leading factor that leads to people needing to file a bankruptcy in Utah. In the majority of cases I see this arises from the failure of the debtor to have medical insurance. Even if you have medical coverage it is possible to run up huge medical debts your insurance… Continue reading Can I File Bankruptcy For My Medical Bills?