Utah Medical Bankruptcy

Although a Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not prevent individuals from incurring future medical debt, it can offer a much-needed break in the short term. Following the discharge of debt, individuals may be in a better financial position to manage any new medical expenses that arise.

Medical Debt Utah Bankruptcy

41% of Americans have medical debt; 6% of adults owe more than $1,000 worth of medical debt; 1% owe more than $10,000. Medical debt in Utah is a significant financial issue for many people. Utah medical bankruptcy may help.

Bankruptcy for medical debt

Medical debts are one of the most common reasons that people need to seek bankruptcy relief.  With out of control medical costs and increased insurance premiums more and more people are forced into financial ruin with just a day or two stay in hospital.  With passage of the Affordable Heath Care Act it was assumed… Continue reading Bankruptcy for medical debt