5 Ways to Stop a Debt Collector

While debt collectors have legal rights to pursue repayment of debts, consumers also have rights that protect them from undue harassment.

Stop debt collector calls

One of the most common reasons people decide to file for bankruptcy is to stop debt collector calls.  by filing bankruptcy you can immediately stop debt collector calls.  Any collector that still attempts to collect on a debt once they know about your bankruptcy is in violation of 11 U.S.C. Sec 362.  Bankruptcy is a… Continue reading Stop debt collector calls

Do I have any rights against a debt collector?

Most creditors start debt collection efforts with a series of form letters, then they move onto phone calls, and then either a repossession occurs or the debt is referred to a collection agency or an attorney for suit. Most parties that collect debt on behalf of an original creditor are restricted by the Fair Debt… Continue reading Do I have any rights against a debt collector?