5 Questions About Bankruptcy With A Car Loan

Here are 5 common questions about bankruptcy with a car loan you want to talk with your attorney about. Since every situation is different an experience bankruptcy attorney will be able to clarify the options… but you should ask them the questions for piece of mind.

Why file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

If you’ve ever wondered, “Why file Chapter 13 bankruptcy?” This post might help. Before we can answer that question, however, we will need to learn more about what Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is and what it entails.

Why file bankruptcy Chapter 7

The Supreme Court has said that “[t]he principal purpose of the Bankruptcy Code is to grant a fresh start to the honest but unfortunate debtor.” The filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy puts a stop to most attacks on, and efforts to collect from the debtor. It is also the fastest, simplest and most common type of bankruptcy.

No Money Left

Large corporations understand the benefits of bankruptcy and may utilize it to keep their company afloat. However, the average person doesn’t usually know that when they have no money left, bankruptcy is actually a safety net. The Utah Law Office of Douglas Barrett offers free personal bankruptcy consultations to discuss what strategies are best for you in your financial situation