How Much Equity Can I Have In My Home and Still File Chapter 7 in Utah?

The amount of equity you can have in a home and still file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah depends on various factors, including the Utah bankruptcy exemption laws, the current value of your home, the amount owed on your mortgage, and any other liens or debts secured by the property.

Reverse Mortgage and Bankruptcy

Consequences of Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy can be a violation of the reserve mortgage agreement so it is vital that you have your attorney look at the agreement to determine if this is the case. There are three important things that you and your attorney should consider before filing the bankruptcy…

The Utah Homestead Exemption

Consequences of Bankruptcy?

The term “Utah bankruptcy exemptions” refers to assets that you get to keep when you file bankruptcy. In Utah, as a practical matter, most people keep all their assets when they file bankruptcy if they do a reasonable amount of legal pre-bankruptcy planning.