Was your Utah Bankruptcy Case Prepared in India or Mexico?

The new trend in the world of bankruptcy is to outsource case and/or document preparation to workers in far away countries.  Ask yourself is that how you want your Utah bankruptcy case prepared? Do you want your most personal financial information stored on computers located in Mexico, India, or China? Right now there is a lot of… Continue reading Was your Utah Bankruptcy Case Prepared in India or Mexico?

2016 Tax Refunds Delayed for Millions

Today the National Consumer Law Center issues a press release that Tax Refunds for millions of taxpayers will be delayed until late-February. Due to new legislation the IRS will delay processing returns until February 15 and they have stated they do not anticipate refunds arriving in bank accounts or on prepaid cards until February 27.… Continue reading 2016 Tax Refunds Delayed for Millions

5 Common Bankruptcy Myths

Here are 5 common myths that that I hear all the time from people that I consult with: Myth #1: You Can Declare Bankruptcy by Saying It in Public In an episode of The Office, when Michael Scott’s finances are tight, he screams, “I declare bankruptcy!” His accountant Oscar says, “Hey, I just want you… Continue reading 5 Common Bankruptcy Myths

Our New Website

We are pleased to launch our new website. Please come back often and read our industry related news and information.

"10 Best" Bankruptcy Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction

PRESS RELEASE Orem, UT – The Utah Law Firm of Douglas Barrett, LLC was recently named as one of the “10 Best” Bankruptcy Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction by the American Institute of Legal Counsel (AIOLC) an impartial third party rating service. In the September 2016 announcement the AIOLC noted that the firm was recognized for outstanding client… Continue reading "10 Best" Bankruptcy Law Attorneys for Client Satisfaction

A Judgment Is Not A Lien, But A Lien Can Be Created From a Judgment

A judgment and a lien are not the same thing. A lien is a legal right to get paid from a specific asset/property, as opposed to from an individual person. A judgment is a court order that allows a creditor to pursue collection actions against someone (including creating a lien against assets). Depending on the… Continue reading A Judgment Is Not A Lien, But A Lien Can Be Created From a Judgment

Income Tax Refunds and Utah Bankruptcy

Some people come to see their income tax refunds as a yearly bonus. In reality these refunds are usually caused by a taxpayer having paid too much in taxes during the past year. Sometimes people have even come to rely upon these refunds for planned yearly spending to catch up on bills, go on vacation,… Continue reading Income Tax Refunds and Utah Bankruptcy

Why should I file a Preemptive Bankruptcy?

The following are situations in which someone might want to consider bankruptcy as an option when faced with litigation where: • the outcome is not likely to be favorable; • the cost of defense is crippling; • the possibility of a judgment in excess of the Chapter 13 debt limits; or • findings of fraud are likely.… Continue reading Why should I file a Preemptive Bankruptcy?

Press Release: 2015 Utah Legal Elite

Douglas L. Barrett, for the tenth consecutive year, has been named as one of the “Legal Elite” lawyers in the State of Utah in a recent poll conducted by Utah Business, a state-wide publication. The announcement was made in the March 2015 Legal Resource Guild of the magazine. The “Legal Elite” represent those Utah lawyers who… Continue reading Press Release: 2015 Utah Legal Elite


To be eligible to be a Chapter 13 debtor, individuals must meet, among other things, the following two requirements: (i) they must have a regular income, and (ii) their debts must not exceed a certain amount. If the individual’s current monthly income is less than the applicable state median income, the plan will generally be… Continue reading WHAT IS CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY?