Recently I had an email from one of the first clients that bought my bankruptcy book: Life after bankruptcy: The Game Plan to Rebuild, Restore, and Renew Your Credit After Bankruptcy. I share just a part of his note:
“Thank you. We appreciate your thoroughness in preparing us for the [bankruptcy] process and post process. Everything is going well. Today we turn in the car and pick out a different car. We have paid off our state taxes and federal taxes…. We’re looking at a few secured credit card offers but have not chosen one yet. You’re book is a wonderful guide. Thank you.” -David D.
You can get past a bankruptcy with the proper planning and mindset. You can move on to a bright financial future you just need to be smart about it. There is hope after bankruptcy. That is what we focus on here at me office every day with every client. Your past is your past and should not define you.
Making smart informed choices going forward is, in my opinion, the wise choice when faced with overwhelming debts. As I have stated in this blog a number of times, bankruptcy may not be the best choice for everyone and working with an experienced lawyer can help you make a smart decision. But when bankruptcy is a good fit it can have dramatic changes in your future not matter if you do Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The warning signs of Utah bankruptcy quiz continues to be a very active page on my site. Take the free quiz to see if bankruptcy is right for you.
If you want to read the book you can click on the link above and order your copy today or stop into my office and purchase a copy. All clients that file with my office receive a complementary copy of the book. There is hope after bankruptcy. #utahbkguy