Where to start your bankruptcy? The idea can be overwhelming and frightening. As you begin your journey to a financial fresh start its important to determine what is your financial goal. If you are thinking about bankruptcy it is safe to assume that you have been dealing with financial problems for a period of time – probably too long if you are like most of my clients. I suggest you just take a moment and think about what you want to happen going forward. This simple exercise will have a profound effect on what you do next.
If you want to get out of the financial mess you are currently in then you need information and help. I guess that’s why you are on my website. For years I have spent time pulling together ideas and resources to help people just like you make an informed decision when it comes to one the most important financial decision you will ever make. If you are in Utah you will need an experienced Utah lawyer click here for resources near you. If you are in other states then you might want to check out the NACBA site for an attorney in your area. If you do not know where to file you should file your bankruptcy case in the court that is located in the place where you have lived in the 180 days before you file, where your place of business or assets are located, or if you have recently moved your home or business where you spent the greater portion of the 180 days. Therefore it is wise to file close to home. The judge won’t refuse your case if you file in the wrong place or file far away, but you can expect that the matter will be brought before the judge. Your case could be dismissed if it gives your creditors a severe disadvantage. It is possible to transfer the case but it’s also possible that the case could be dismissed even if you request a transfer.
If you would like more information on the actual process of bankruptcy then you might want to download my free bankruptcy book: The Insiders Guide To Getting a Fresh Financial Start in Utah. If you are in Utah my other website www.dlblaw.com has a list of documents need to file a bankruptcy and links to videos on how to file for bankruptcy.
So I know this blog seems a bit self serving and I guess that it is but its the best way I know how to get out the information to good people looking to file for bankruptcy protection on the web since the vast majority of folks look to the web as the source all information. I will leave this topic to another day but as I always say look for help from an experienced bankruptcy lawyer not just the flashy dude with a website and a low price.