A bankruptcy declaration will affect your credit score sometimes for the worse and at times for the better. If it does damage it, it won’t damage it forever. Furthermore, you may have some control over the process’s ultimate outcome. By taking steps to rebuild your credit score after filing bankruptcy, you could find yourself commanding prime interest rates and securing high-limit credit cards within a few years. You’ll simply need to pay off your remaining obligations in a diligent fashion and avoid taking on too many new loans.
Tag: eliminate debt
Which bankruptcy eliminates all debt
If you’re hoping that bankruptcy is a quick way to have your debts discharged without having to pay another cent or lift a finger, you can be disappointed if you don’t know the facts. Which bankruptcy eliminates all debt? Well Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the most common type of consumer bankruptcy, is also called a ‘liquidation’… Continue reading Which bankruptcy eliminates all debt
Filing bankruptcy versus foreclosure
These two options are not mutually exclusive as some think. If you are facing one of them you may be facing the other as well. Since filing for bankruptcy will eliminate some if not all of your debts, you can decide to file bankruptcy before a foreclosure on property the debt most likely will be… Continue reading Filing bankruptcy versus foreclosure